In 2023 Nausika continued a risky but fruitful experiment of joining the grass-root LARP community with the framework of EU projects for non-formal learning in the field of Adult Education.
Previously, Nausika has coordinated a project which co-financed Portal 9 Larp Convention in Athens (Greece 2021) and Portal 10 Larp Conference in Kraków (Poland 2022) – read more and find cool videos!
In 2023, we joined another project and partners, together with the wonderful, passionate teams of Parallel World (Hungary) and Terrible Creations (Croatia).
The culmination was Portal 11 Larp Convention, which happened in Budapest (Hungary) from 16th to 18th June 2023.
Zbigniew Janczukowicz from Nausika on 17th June 2023, during Portal 11, has started a long term RESEARCH on the Learning Process in Larp, which aims to:
- connect various European projects raised and implemented by larp communities
- focus in-depth on the learning process of especially non-educational larp games (not „edu-larp”)
- find a common ground with the EU framework of Competence-Based Learning
- make it easier to present LARP to local stakeholders and teaching institutions
The current results are published on the Miro board, take a look, free access, no sign-up needed, just click on the link:


Portal Convention about Roleplaying in Adult Education
Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnership in Adult Education
Projekt finansowany przez Program Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+
The project aims to develop, strengthen, widen, engage and bring together the PoRtaL community and to establish larp as a tool and methodology for adult education.
Tangible, open-source outcomes:
- Video recordings of 20 Portal lectures
- A digital manual on how to organise Portal conventions
- A podcast series on previous experiences called Portal Talks
- 3 contest-winning LARP scenarios
- 3 LARP design documents of the winning scenarios in 4 languages (EN, CR, HU, PL)