Educational Foundation Nausika



10-20 players  |  age 13+  |  45-90 minutes

The players take on the roles of 5 families of local farmers who use a public grove to feed their pigs. Each family wants to win the game by becoming rich, but the limited number of common resources might make all of them lose together if they exploit the resources unsustainably.

Designed by Nausika Foundation (Poland)

Read or download the full Scenario in one of the languages:

back to LARP FOR CLIMATE project

PIG GROVE is available in a limited printed version – a A3 box which contains all elements to run the game multiple times. Contact us if you’re interested to acquire your own box!

All LARP FOR CLIMATE Scenarios are free to use.

  • You CAN freely use them for to organize the games, either as private persons, NGOs or teaching institution.
  • You CAN share them to other institutions, educators, larpers and any private persons.
  • You CAN use them commercially – this means that you CAN get paid by any institutions for organizing or facilitating the games.
  • You CANNOT in any manner sell the content of the Scenarios or limit the access to the Scenarios, in unchanged nor in modified forms, nor publish any parts of the Scenarios as your own.
  • You CAN modify the Scenarios for your own educational use and needs.
  • You MUST, whenever you use the Scenarios, attribute the Authors by adding a link to the following webpage: 

The terms of License Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 apply.

The Scenarios are published as Google Documents to make it more accessible and modular for the users.

  • You can read and print the scenario directly from the online document.
  • If you want to have a PDF version, export it to PDF format from the online document.
  • If you want to modify the game, make your own copy of the online document


“Larp For Climate – adaptation of edu-larp methodology to learning agenda for climate literacy”

Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 2, 2021-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000029241

Co-founded by the European Union