We are proud to present the final version of or beloved game, which had been played in 6 countries so far and will soon set out to explore new cities. 

It’s a mixture of role-playing experience with an outdoor city game, devised to explore new European cities or rediscover the ones you’re living in, driven by passion to culture studies and ancient mythologies, with a touch of philosophy and sustainable tourism.



10 – 30 players  |  2 – 7 hours  |  age 13+

Gods and goddesses from ancient myths are alive, mingled among the human citizens, and making their living through the XXI century on Earth.


A thousand years ago they made a bet – what would become of the civilization if the gods withdrew the powers and let the humans act on their own?


Now is the time to raise the stakes and call the shots. Is the world going in the right direction, or should the ancient gods reclaim the leadership once again?


A city game in which you would play ancient gods dressed up as ordinary humans, walking around the city in search of forgotten worship, ritual twists, and the meaning of the human civilization.


In the years 2022-24 the development of the games was co-financed by the European Union, Erasmus+ Progam. Togheter with the wonderful Partners of Erea (Slovenia) and Selkie (Netherlands) we have designed something of unique quality and artistic value.



LEAD DESIGN  Zbigniew Janczukowicz  

GAME DESIGN  Patrycja Paula Gas, Forest van der Zee, Wojciech Nowak,
Julia Leśniewska, Anja Lotte Kastelic, Lars de Wilde  

ILLUSTRATIONS  Bibi Erjavec, Natalia Zdybel, Valentina Mandzhieva

SPECIAL THANKS  Julia Bobola, Ezra Lobnikar, Matvei Smirnov,
Emmanouil Koniordos, Anna Bako, Piotr Warzyszyński



© Nausika, Erea, Selkie & the illustrators

Co-founded by the European Union, Erasmus+ Program

project nr: 2022-1-PL01-KA210-YOU-000082199

project title: Forgotten Gods – Home and Heritage in our Hands


Creative commons CC BY-NC-ND license

This license enables reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.


Please attribute the Authors by giving a link to the game webpage:

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


KRAKÓW | 2021-06-07

BERLIN | 2021-10-16


Forgotten Gods – Home and Heritage in our Hands


Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnership in Youth


Project financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union



from 2022-10-01 to 2024-09-30


Here are the names of our organizations and the links to our webpages and social media. We are all happy to talk about youth-friendly practices and policies in various countries – just find the contacts in the links: 

Nausika Fundacja Edukacyjna (Poland)



Selkie Educatieve Stichting (Netherlands)

Zavod Erea (Slovenia)

